Rent Control - or Rec Rooms As Apartments
So when all the new tenants came into this building we noticed that there was no "rec room" as advertised on the sign out front (which has now been removed). We figured well - a whole room can't just disappear right? After all according to the other older tenants there was a rec room at one time - but now it seems this building is sans rec room.
So you have to ask yourself - where did the rec room go? What happened to it and who is holding it hostage?
Well the answer my friends lies in the fake apartment 8. Apartment 8 began it's life as a rec room according to the blue prints on file. Now however apartment 8 exists and there is no rec room. So we asked management to provide us what they sold us.
As you can probably guess - we've never gotten our rec room - but we did get something - we have an inspector from LA County rent control who is coming out in the next few weeks to take a look at the "studio" apartment that never existed before. After calling rent control we discovered that unit 8 isn't registered and legally Milan can't collect rent of any kind on a unit that isn't registered.
Hmmmm - wonder what rent control will do once they see the mysterious vanishing rec room?
So you have to ask yourself - where did the rec room go? What happened to it and who is holding it hostage?
Well the answer my friends lies in the fake apartment 8. Apartment 8 began it's life as a rec room according to the blue prints on file. Now however apartment 8 exists and there is no rec room. So we asked management to provide us what they sold us.
As you can probably guess - we've never gotten our rec room - but we did get something - we have an inspector from LA County rent control who is coming out in the next few weeks to take a look at the "studio" apartment that never existed before. After calling rent control we discovered that unit 8 isn't registered and legally Milan can't collect rent of any kind on a unit that isn't registered.
Hmmmm - wonder what rent control will do once they see the mysterious vanishing rec room?
maybe if you're web savvy you could send an email to these lovely onsite....whatever they are.
Garrett McArthur -garrettmcarthur@aim.com
Mitchell Ammar - mitchellammar@aim.com
Brandon - hess352@yahoo.com
Feel free to knock on their door and get absolutely nothing accomplished - they live in Apt 1.
Garrett McArthur -garrettmcarthur@aim.com
Mitchell Ammar - mitchellammar@aim.com
Brandon - hess352@yahoo.com
Feel free to knock on their door and get absolutely nothing accomplished - they live in Apt 1.
Have a complaint ?
So a little background here is deserved so that you get the full context of this email. A few of the tenants were wondering where the onsite managment was, so we decided to ask the owner of the building. Please note the ambiguity of the response below:
From: amy rubenstein
Date: Sep 28, 2006 8:49 PM
Subject: XXXXXXX
Again, all repairs and questions should be reported to the office. Our
number is 323-850-4902. #1 is the on-site, but we take repair calls and all
questions at our main office.
Thank you,
Our next question of course was - onsite what exactly? I mean after several calls to the police about the "onsite" due to parties than rate late into the morning hours - we wanted to know exactly what these boys (all 21 years old) who leave their bong in plain site of the tenants on the front lawn - well we wanted to know EXACTLY what they are responsible for. Guess we'll never know as I doubt we'll receive an email back anytime soon.
From: amy rubenstein
Date: Sep 28, 2006 8:49 PM
Subject: XXXXXXX
Again, all repairs and questions should be reported to the office. Our
number is 323-850-4902. #1 is the on-site, but we take repair calls and all
questions at our main office.
Thank you,
Our next question of course was - onsite what exactly? I mean after several calls to the police about the "onsite" due to parties than rate late into the morning hours - we wanted to know exactly what these boys (all 21 years old) who leave their bong in plain site of the tenants on the front lawn - well we wanted to know EXACTLY what they are responsible for. Guess we'll never know as I doubt we'll receive an email back anytime soon.

Apparently the owners of the building are attempting to run a tampax recycling program or is it just the fore mentioned trash overflow issue? At any rate - it's disgusting.

Would it ever occur to these people that if you are going to have 21 units - (1 of which is illegal) that they may need more than one dumpster?
Who do you have your attorney serve?
Agent for Service of Process

Plumbing apparently has taken on a new look this season...with large holes in the building exterior and exposed copper pipe.