
4 LLCS? - A Shell Game At Best

So per our other post - as you may have seen earlier - the following LLC's are all some how related to Amy -

23935 Madison LLC
A&M Property Acquisition LLC
2719 Sunset LLC

Doesn't it make you wonder exactly why would a person operating a legal property management business need with all these old address, bad information, weird LLC's ? Maybe cause it's not all legal - or legit.....

The properties at 2719-23 Sunset are garbage -- the current owners have the balls to list those buildings at $3M, hahahaha! About 30 seconds after viewing it from the sidewalk I got back into my car and left. Thanks for the informative website -- it confirmed what I was thinking all along: SLUMLORDS. Shortchanging tenants is *bad* for both parties involved, people who do business like that NEVER last...
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