
Agents for the liberation of Baba Ganoush - Fighters for Free Pita

Ahh the crisp fall weather makes us think of good food with friends, but crazed liberation agents? The liberation agent, code name "Baba ganush 007" just happens to reside in our building, and now residents of the building are engaging in significant revenue drivers that happen to be slightly illegal.

Now please keep in mind that agent "Baba ganush 007" has admitted to committing what is very close to a federal crime. All the while, the agent in question continues to harass, pester, and accuse others of crimes against man. At this point it would seem obvious agent "BG" works for or is in some how tied to owners of this building.

has posted more notes on the doors in this building than we passed in junior high! No matter what event happens in this complex; you can be sure some one will receive a handwritten note, threat letter, love letter, or racial hate message. What is so bizarre about these notes is that all of the (threat letter, love letter, racial hate messages) were related and/or addressed to the same group of people and authored by BG.

So we are reaching out to the blog reader to get some "user" feed back. How in the hell can you:

1. Week one - write a note saying you have a crush on some one.
2. Week two - write a note that says you don't have a crush on THE SAME PERSON
3. Week three - write a note attempting to make threats pertaining to peoples rights and lively hood
4. Week four - write a note bashing a couples sexuality (at least they're monogamous, are you BG?)
5. Week five -
write notes for an "officer" Val Angeles stating that someone in the building has a history and alluding to your association with owners of the building.
6. Week six - write a note that makes your badly disguised prejudicial nature clear to all.

We want you to keep in mind that these notes are equal in character, and they all have HORRIBLE mistakes in grammar and spelling, which would lead one to believe you're not that bright! Have you considered treatment within the same profession you purport to represent?

The other notch in the "crazy belt" is that BG actually fishes dog pooh out of the garbage by hand, saves it some where (fridge, pantry or deep freeze - perhaps her bedside table along with the hate speech dictionary?) and collects urine in the same manner. At opportune and illogical times, she spreads her pooh "joy" throughout the building. The journalists here at MPS have heard rumors that there are pictures of BGs' little pooh pooh poochies in action (by action we mean poohing and peeing all over the complex) and BG leaving the little logs where they fell. If a SHIT-zu poohs in the forest and no one is there, does it stink? It's unfortunate that the only course of action for BG and her mundane existence is to castigate random lies as if she suffers from some kind of psychological disorder and stands in desperate need of attention.

We can't figure out how someone claiming to be highly "educated" can't figure out how to spell or construct a proper sentence. We're confused and putting the question to you. Take the survey below to let us know what you think.

What action do we take against agent Baba Ganush 007
Call Belleview - they need another client
Change your locks and do a big sweep for "ears"
Ban paper and handwritten communication in the complex
Ship muzzles anonymously to agent BG
Ship a "rabbit" to BG - maybe it'll give BG a hobby
Return her pooh joy to the rightful owner
Banish BG to the other side of the island (dementia isle)
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Hmmm.... now who has "history" and a "background" ?

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