Avaritia Facit Bardus
If you're wondering about the title of today's post then perhaps we should warn you that you'll actually need an IQ above 110 to read and understand this post. With that said it seems like the recent illegal activity going on @ 4950 Coldwater isn't just uncalled for ; it's plain harassment, intimidation, and invasion of privacy. We understand that there are certain circumstances under California Law that allow a landlord to enter, I wonder if the fine people @ Milan Properties or Milan Management understand the actual law - or maybe they think it doesn't apply to them.

Either way this bring me to my point about of greed making you stupid. I can understand that you twits bought a building that you thought (if you can do that) that would be easy to clear, and that in no time at all you'd have "remodeled" units that would get way above market value. What you didn't do was stop and think before you started your campaign of tyranny, greed, harassment, and intimidation. Did you guys think that everyone would roll over so easily, or that you would be able to push people around so well?
I think that because your other buildings are kinda in the ghetto you're used to dealing with illegals, people of lower socio economic status, and those who truly can't fight back. Too bad for you that you never counted on people who would stand up to your illegal practices, or call you on your nefarious activity.
So now you're stuck with a rent control building, and you probably can't unload it to a potential buyer until you've forcibly remove all of the existing tenants in favor of new higher paying tenants. Surprise - your existing tenants live there - they've lived there for a long time, and it seems like no amount of lying, conniving, bullying or harassment will so easily coerce them into moving.
So Milan - and Amy how did greed make you stupid? Greed made you stupid by believing that you could intimidate everyone, and that your illegal tactics would always win, when in fact in the end I think it might prove to put you exactly where you belong. What are you going to do when no one rents from you, or no one wants to be associated with you because being associated with you is the equivalent of being associated with a crack dealer?
Does it warm your dark little hearts to know that you're practicing some of the dirtiest slum lord maneuvers in order to eject paying tenants from their homes? If you want people to move so badly (which they don't seem to want to do) then why don't you just pay them like any legally operating management company would? Why do you have to break in to people's apartments with your psycho tenant and throw papers everywhere, or threaten to burn the building down?
The answer is simple - to make you stand alone on your wits and not use your slumlord tactics would totally leave you helpless.
In closing - let's review...maybe you'll find yourself somewhere in the text below:
Greed is called a selfish desire to obtain money, wealth, food, material possessions or any other entity more than one legitimately needs. Greed is listed as one of the Catholic seven deadly sins, usually by the synonym of avarice. A basic desire to increase one's wealth is generally considered acceptable in Western culture, and simple want is not considered greed. Instead, most believe that there are varying degrees to the pursuit of material wealth, with greed being the most extreme form, with one desiring things simply for the purpose of having them. Greed may entail acquiring material possessions at the expense of another person's welfare (for example, a father buying himself a new car rather than fix the roof of his family's home) or otherwise reflect flawed priorities.

Either way this bring me to my point about of greed making you stupid. I can understand that you twits bought a building that you thought (if you can do that) that would be easy to clear, and that in no time at all you'd have "remodeled" units that would get way above market value. What you didn't do was stop and think before you started your campaign of tyranny, greed, harassment, and intimidation. Did you guys think that everyone would roll over so easily, or that you would be able to push people around so well?
I think that because your other buildings are kinda in the ghetto you're used to dealing with illegals, people of lower socio economic status, and those who truly can't fight back. Too bad for you that you never counted on people who would stand up to your illegal practices, or call you on your nefarious activity.
So now you're stuck with a rent control building, and you probably can't unload it to a potential buyer until you've forcibly remove all of the existing tenants in favor of new higher paying tenants. Surprise - your existing tenants live there - they've lived there for a long time, and it seems like no amount of lying, conniving, bullying or harassment will so easily coerce them into moving.
So Milan - and Amy how did greed make you stupid? Greed made you stupid by believing that you could intimidate everyone, and that your illegal tactics would always win, when in fact in the end I think it might prove to put you exactly where you belong. What are you going to do when no one rents from you, or no one wants to be associated with you because being associated with you is the equivalent of being associated with a crack dealer?
Does it warm your dark little hearts to know that you're practicing some of the dirtiest slum lord maneuvers in order to eject paying tenants from their homes? If you want people to move so badly (which they don't seem to want to do) then why don't you just pay them like any legally operating management company would? Why do you have to break in to people's apartments with your psycho tenant and throw papers everywhere, or threaten to burn the building down?
The answer is simple - to make you stand alone on your wits and not use your slumlord tactics would totally leave you helpless.
In closing - let's review...maybe you'll find yourself somewhere in the text below:
Greed is called a selfish desire to obtain money, wealth, food, material possessions or any other entity more than one legitimately needs. Greed is listed as one of the Catholic seven deadly sins, usually by the synonym of avarice. A basic desire to increase one's wealth is generally considered acceptable in Western culture, and simple want is not considered greed. Instead, most believe that there are varying degrees to the pursuit of material wealth, with greed being the most extreme form, with one desiring things simply for the purpose of having them. Greed may entail acquiring material possessions at the expense of another person's welfare (for example, a father buying himself a new car rather than fix the roof of his family's home) or otherwise reflect flawed priorities.