Burnt Toast
Oh how the past can come back to haunt you - particularly when people have evidence of the jacked up things you've done. Case in point your psycho tenant who has repeatedly claimed to be working for you. Don't you idiots know that she's a convicted felon who can't keep her diseased mouth shut?
Here's a clue morons - don't disclose your plots and plans to an impulsive
twit who relishes the idea of threatening people and leaving obscure stalkerish messages on people's voice mail. After all you know voice mail can be saved and played back at any time, even more so in this age of technology and redundant back up. With all that in mind perhaps you'll think next time before disclosing the weasel like practices of your business to a nut case.
Case in point Selma the Sea Hag told you guys she was 6 months pregnant in December, then turned around and left messages (ignoring her restraining order(s)) saying that she was 9 months pregnant and leaving for the east coast to have her spawn. Most recently (this morning) was seen walking her 4 dogs (yes idiots she has 4 dogs not 2) and still knocked up.
Now we know you covet her intel on the building as much as you covet your neighbors meth lab - but the thing is she's NUTSO. Yet you guys have struck some kind of deal with the convict simply to feed into your own schemes of ejecting paying tenants from their homes.
It's highly doubtful that you little black hearted tweakers will ever turn it around though. Greed has in fact made you more mentally challenged than you normally would be. I guess I probably don't need to tell you this - but you put your eggs in the wrong basket - and I mean the WRONG basket.
For the Sea Hag may we suggest some DNA testing so you can figure out who the father of your baby might be? Obviously you have no clue as you're trying to pin it on anyone who walks by.
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Here's a clue morons - don't disclose your plots and plans to an impulsive

Case in point Selma the Sea Hag told you guys she was 6 months pregnant in December, then turned around and left messages (ignoring her restraining order(s)) saying that she was 9 months pregnant and leaving for the east coast to have her spawn. Most recently (this morning) was seen walking her 4 dogs (yes idiots she has 4 dogs not 2) and still knocked up.
Now we know you covet her intel on the building as much as you covet your neighbors meth lab - but the thing is she's NUTSO. Yet you guys have struck some kind of deal with the convict simply to feed into your own schemes of ejecting paying tenants from their homes.
It's highly doubtful that you little black hearted tweakers will ever turn it around though. Greed has in fact made you more mentally challenged than you normally would be. I guess I probably don't need to tell you this - but you put your eggs in the wrong basket - and I mean the WRONG basket.
For the Sea Hag may we suggest some DNA testing so you can figure out who the father of your baby might be? Obviously you have no clue as you're trying to pin it on anyone who walks by.
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