Comment from Sea Hag - Again

Selma - think twice on who needs to do spell check... next time would be you please be so decent as to come through an anonymous ip? After all you seem to think you're a mastermind - but all you seem to master is trapping yourself.
Don't you think we track who comments and who visits the blog? Who is so narcissistic that they actually search for their own name over and over again on Yahoo, who happens to be using AOL dial up? Hmmm we think it's you - after all even Amy Rubenstein probably has better things to do (like harass tenants) at 8pm.
As for Amy - don't you realize what a big pile of crap you've stepped in getting in bed with this lunatic? You are liable for her actions while she is employed by you - making you liable for all her

I can understand how you think this is personal - however it's not. The reason this blog exists is to expose the slimy underbelly of your company. You can't simply go on operating in this fashion because eventually some judge is going to catch on to your crap. I understand you're in a bind and can't sell the building until you've removed (by one illegal method or another) all of the old tenants - but that's not their plight - it's yours. Paying tenants who don't disturb the peace, who pay their rent and respect the property have a right to live harassment free, without worries that their landlord is always on one scheme or another to get them evicted regardless of being model tenants. So Amy, Milan, Monica, Carolina, Georgina, and now Selma - Karma is a cruel mistress - hopefully you'll turn your ways around before it plops large amounts of justly deserved crap onto your door steps.
Without any further delay - the comment from sea hag....
Anonymous said...
Yes I think Sara needs to spell check her words before posting lies, secondly Sara is a sick lonely miserable bitch whom keeps us amused and wantys to fuck my husband and has 5 miserable spies living at 4950 coldwater canyon Two Bitch fagots a 4 eyed monster, a tweezer name anthony clark who's next in line to get booted...and larry the fag with lonley lesbian roommate
3/12/2007 08:37:00 PM