
Ghetto is as Ghetto Does

So here it is almost a full five days after the boys in apartment one and their "guest" threw a rock or something else through the window @ 4950 Coldwater and much to our surprise (not) the window is still not replaced. I don't think for a secured building that there should be a giant piece of cardboard placed over it with masking tape as a replacement for the window.

Notice from the photo that they did have the courtesy to write "broken glass" - duh. Why not replace the window? We're pretty sure that this is just another way to encourage existing tenants to move out, after all who wants to live in a building where nothing this serious even phases the management team? Shouldn't this be fixed already, how hard can it really be to call a glass contractor to come replace it? Maybe they're waiting for their team of illegals to come fix it? Who knows - it just needs to be fixed.

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