Plauge of the Anonymous Comments
Only it's not so anonymous. Everyone who reads this blog knows that it's Selma Gurson.
Selma - I'm not sure if you're aware of this - but you need help. By help we mean professional
help, like intensive therapy and counseling. Why is it that the only joy you seem to have in life is to leave these little stupid anonymous comments on this blog? If you're so proud of your bad grammar, and your horrible spelling then why don't you sign your name to them?
Seeing as how our number one viewer seems to have an issue with narcissistic
behavior, we're not going to allow any further anonymous comments to be posted to the blog - we'll simply reject them until the proud owner (we know it's you Selma) signs their name. Until then your comments will keep being rejected.
I know - I know - you're thinking that this is a blog, and free speech and public opinion should supersede any psychos' lust to post stupid "red herring" comments. the theory with limiting the anonymous comments boils down to ownership, harassment, and the right to stick to the issues.
1. Selma has nothing valuable to say - ever. If it's so important to get it on the blog she'll leave her name.
2. Contacting the owners of this blog constitutes harassment (click the restraining order link)
3. If you're so damn proud of what you write - then sign it biaaaatch!
4. She can't FUCKING SPELL - at least if you're going to spend hours making ridiculous comments online then you should be able to at least spell!
So without further delay the last anonymous comment (threat) that we'll ever post. Sorry Sea Hag - your days of harassing people are coming to an end.
"Remember I told you that there was a surprise for Sara Williams, John Pascale, and Anthony Clark? Well, I think you're gong to have to shhut up now because Karma's a bitch just like you!You will READ ALL ABOUT SARA WILLIAMS AND ANTHONY CLARK oh yeh Selma doesn';t live in trailer parks thats John POascale and Sara WIlliams. Pascale admitted to it...you don't know the guest house address - it belongs to a rehab you think Selma is stupid to give out any real addresses? A amiling address is different than residential! What can you expect from an uneducated blob? LOL when are you going over to coldwater canyon...? your presence is requested oh so desparately! "
Selma - I'm not sure if you're aware of this - but you need help. By help we mean professional

Seeing as how our number one viewer seems to have an issue with narcissistic

I know - I know - you're thinking that this is a blog, and free speech and public opinion should supersede any psychos' lust to post stupid "red herring" comments. the theory with limiting the anonymous comments boils down to ownership, harassment, and the right to stick to the issues.
1. Selma has nothing valuable to say - ever. If it's so important to get it on the blog she'll leave her name.
2. Contacting the owners of this blog constitutes harassment (click the restraining order link)
3. If you're so damn proud of what you write - then sign it biaaaatch!
4. She can't FUCKING SPELL - at least if you're going to spend hours making ridiculous comments online then you should be able to at least spell!
So without further delay the last anonymous comment (threat) that we'll ever post. Sorry Sea Hag - your days of harassing people are coming to an end.
"Remember I told you that there was a surprise for Sara Williams, John Pascale, and Anthony Clark? Well, I think you're gong to have to shhut up now because Karma's a bitch just like you!You will READ ALL ABOUT SARA WILLIAMS AND ANTHONY CLARK oh yeh Selma doesn';t live in trailer parks thats John POascale and Sara WIlliams. Pascale admitted to it...you don't know the guest house address - it belongs to a rehab you think Selma is stupid to give out any real addresses? A amiling address is different than residential! What can you expect from an uneducated blob? LOL when are you going over to coldwater canyon...? your presence is requested oh so desparately! "