New Listings From Milan
Feb-28 $2395 / 3br - HUGE! W/DEN! DEPOSIT ONLY $1200 & FREE RENT! WILL WORK WITH BAD CREDIT (Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys) pic
Feb-27 $1095 / 1br - SHOWING TODAY @ 12PM! APTS AVALI. FOR MARCH & APRIL! RENOVATED APTS! (North Hollywood) pic
Selma Naman - Our Most Faithful Reader
Selma calls people 13-14 times per night leaving insane voice mails with each call (which by the way she's supposed to refrain from due to her multiple court orders barring her from such conduct) and she does it portraying herself as an employee of Milan Properties / Milan Management.
What's most important to remember here is that the person who leaves messages saying that she doesn't obsess over us - continually calls us, attempts to gather information via the office staff, and threatens that she has a surprise for us that she'll deliver to our offices. Now call me crazy (admitted) but doesn't that sound like a threat? Hmm maybe she's planning on some pregnancy jihad action against us? Who knows - what we do know is that these voice mail messages (around 13 per day) are saved in a safe place where the public could access them at any time - and if the calls continue not only will they be presented on this site (and about 5 others) they will be forwarded to the Commissioner that presided over Selma's restraining order cases (yes that's right multiples) and arraignment hearing for her shoplifting charge in Burbank)
So Selma - if you're so empowered, so right, so - well not obsessed and not stalking - why do we constantly have voice mail messages in the double digits? Can't you just go back to stealing bank cards, opening other people's mail, forging checks, or stealing? Can't you leave well enough alone?
Well - with that said....you better go check out first amendment rights and how recently the courts have upheld the rights of bloggers to publish their opinions. Everything contained in this blog is TRUE - not fake not made up and definitely not invented. So go ahead Selma - try some stupid silly police report cause this blog mentions your numerous convictions, your stalking, your lurid acts of desperation. It'll be pointless - just like you :)
Recent Rentals Milan Properties - Milan Leasing Etc.
Feb-27 $1095 / 1br - SHOWING TODAY @ 12PM! APTS AVALI. FOR MARCH & APRIL! RENOVATED APTS! (North Hollywood) pic <<apts/housing for rent
Feb-26 $1095 BEAUITFUL! APTS AVIL IN MARCH/APRIL! SHOWING TUE. @ 12PM! (North Hollywood, Sherman Oaks) pic <<apts/housing for rent
Feb-26 $1350 / 2br - AMAZING 2B/2B! DEPOSIT ONLY $675! POOL! PET FRIENDLY! (VAN NUYS) pic <<apts/housing for rent
Feb-26 $850 STUDIO! BEAUITFUL PROPERTY! $99 DEPOSIT! POOL & PARKING! (HAWTHORNE) pic <<apts/housing for rent
Feb-26 $1350 / 2br - 2b/2b! BEAUITFUL! HARDWOOD FLOORS & GRANITE KITCHEN COUNTERS! (Inglewood) pic <<apts/housing for rent
Labels: 323-514-3886, Georgina, listings
Comments from Sea Hag- An Open Letter to the Insane
As we've found out recently sea hag hasn't had her baby - she's still pregnant ....you may ask yourself how? Typically human beings are only pregnant for around 40 weeks - to Selma's own admissions she was 9 months pregnant in January; this would mean that she should have had said child already right? No one that lives in the building has seen or heard a baby - and at last glance (this past Sunday someone reliable caught a glimpse of the sea hag) she appeared to be with some guy in a beat up white sedan; with a crib. Seems to us that if you're getting a crib - and you aren't holding a baby - the baby isn't here yet.

To address the comment that was left; which if you're so proud of what you spew "anonymous" then why not leave your name? It's not like we don't know who you are, what you've done and who you've done it to. Meanwhile the people you're attacking don't HAVE a criminal history, haven't so much as been pulled over their entire lives, nor are they currently under the jurisdiction of the Burbank Court for BURGLARY - which was later dropped down to shoplifting.
Now we understand that you've been convicted of bank fraud, mail tampering, theft, forgery and access card fraud, and we also understand that you are stating that you work for your friends at Milan Management (Milan Leasing aka Milan Properties) which would be foolish of them because you're a convicted felon.
You're a felon that's guilty of mail tampering and you're going to hold people's keys and mailbox keys - for that they're freaking insane. Let's not forget that you have multiple restraining orders against you and one of the people still lives there in the building - so making you anything kind of leads to you violating that order and being back in the slammer. While we RELISH the thought of you sitting in jail doing your cell mates laundry - we rather see your issues with self control ruin you.
So to answer our favorite line from your comment
You're in so much misery from within you think people actually care about this phiny ass piece of shit site?
Yes - apparently you and your felon..ooops we meant friends at Milan Mgmt do care - they visit like it's religion. Most recently we outranked their domain site...DUH
Maybe next you can tell us what "phiny" is - no one here is able to find it in any dictionary....oh shit - we forget you don't own one.
Watch out Sea Hag - we have all your harassing voice mail messages saved to a remote server - you never know when we'd get the urge to post them here for the universe to listen to.
Landlord Harassment
Just a Thought (we know you rarely have them)
Surely you've served everyone with this little handy dandy paperwork right?
Same People - New Site - Still Lame
So now they've pushed all their leasing and rentals to www.milanleasing.com - the same crooks who harass and bully tenants into moving - or harass them and file frivolous eviction suits against tenants who pay their rent.
Speaking of paying rent - and deposits. There is a clause in the landlord tenant law that says that these crooks owe the existing tenants some cash. According to LA Housing and Rent Control interest is to be paid back to the tenant -
"Landlords of rental units subject to the RSO, which includes dwelling units, suites,condominiums, duplexes, guest rooms, and rooms in a hotel, motel, rooming house or boarding house occupied by the same tenant for more than 30 consecutive days in the City of Los Angeles with a certificate of occupancy first issued before
October 1, 1978, must pay interest on all security deposits held for at least one (1)
year for their tenants."
How does the landlord determine the amount of interest and what is the
amount required to be paid?
Since 2004, interest payable to tenants may be determined in two ways:
1) use the simple interest rate established by the Rent Adjustment Commission; or
2) pay the tenant the actual amount earned on the security deposit. If the second method is
used, the landlord must provide the tenant with a copy of a bank statement indicating the interest earned on their deposit for the year.The interest rate set by the Rent Adjustment Commission for 2006 is 1.74%.
What are the interest rates for prior years?
For the period of November 1, 1990 through December 31, 2000, the interest rate
is five percent (5 percent) simple annual interest.
For the period of January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001, the interest rate is
two percent (2 percent) simple annual interest.
The annual interest requirement was waived for the period of January 1, 2002
through December 31, 2002.
The interest rate for the period of January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003, is
1 percent simple annual interest.
The Rent Adjustment Commission (RAC) approved an interest rate of 0.26 percent
simple annual interest for the period of January 1, 2004 through December 31,
The interest rate for the period of January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005, is
1.21 percent simple annual interest.
Q.How and when is the payment of interest on security deposits to be made?
A. During the Tenancy.
A tenant is to be given the unpaid accrued interest on security deposit in the form
of either a direct payment or a credit against rent. The landlord must choose
between the two (2) methods of payment and must notify the tenant in writing of
his/her choice. The landlord may choose to pay the accrued interest on a
monthly or yearly basis.
So it seems that perhaps harassing people over rent increases, bogus fees for $2.96 which can't be explained, and other minutia isn't the best route. Understand that we know what you're trying to do, and I think that you're going to have a hard time going about it. Do you people really think that any judge is going to side with you?
Instead of harassing tenants, having your co-owners make threats of burning the building down, and other wastes of time - you should probably do what any legitimate property owner does when they want people out. They pay to relocate them - is that really so hard to understand.
While other landlords in this city are dying for the types of tenants you're harassing, you want to evict them illegally, threaten their safety and post erroneous three day notices. Instead you've moved in an apartment full of pot heads, a psycho with 4 dogs who urinate and defecate everywhere, and your most recent move to make the psycho in unit 7 leasing manager is beyond anyone's grasp.
Once could even argue that if you cretins give anyone a three day notice that's lived there over a year that the three day notice would be ineffective (I'll let your fat man in a skinny tie handle this - although I'm doubting he or you will figure it out).
So on the domain name change - thanks for giving us a new SEO target. Nothing gives me more pleasure than making sure the illegal practices endorsed by your "management team" don't proliferate out into the universe. Perhaps Monica, Carolina, Tony, and Georgina will decide at some point in life to take the moral high ground but for right now they're all feeding off the same crap you serve everyone else.
Well kids - the links below are to their recent listings on Craigslist.
Feb-26 $1350 / 2br - AMAZING 2B/2B! DEPOSIT ONLY $675! POOL! PET FRIENDLY! (VAN NUYS) pic
Feb-26 $1350 / 2br - 2b/2b! BEAUITFUL! HARDWOOD FLOORS & GRANITE KITCHEN COUNTERS! (Inglewood) pic
Feb-24 $2395 / 3br - HUGE APT W/EXRTA ROO/DEN! DEPOSIT ONLY $1200 & FREE RENT! AMZAING APT! (Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys)2.22.2007
Selma the Sea Hag - New Leasing Manager for 4950 Coldwater?
Now this seems to be a massive conflict of interest seeing as least one resident has an active restraining order against this psycho. Amy and her management team have all been made aware of this restraining order numerous times, and despite that they seemly have employed an ex-convict to be the new leasing manager at the building on Coldwater.
We would think would leave Milan Management and 7011 Fountain LLC exposed. Let's see you have someone who's been convicted of bank fraud, forgery, identity theft, fraud, bank card fraud, and most recently was arrested for burglary managing anything for you? Are you people stupid - don't bother answering that...it was a rhetorical question.
From a deposition taken Dec. 29th from Monica Corriveau with Amy Rubenstein in attendance:
Have you heard anything about Sara getting a restraining order against Selma? 55
A Yes.
Q Did that happen? Were you told that actually happened?
A Sara told me that happened, yes.
Q So, as far as you know, each has a restraining order against the another?
A. As far as I know. I'm not sure. As far as I know, yes.
Have you heard that Anthony Clark got aWe hope you people haven't REALLY employed this psycho as your leasing manager - if you have then I think you better drum up a little more effective legal support than fat man in a skinny tie.
Q. Have you heard that Anthony Clark got a restraining order against Selma Gurson?
A Not that I'm aware of.
Q So, you haven't heard about that?
A It's ringing a bell, possibly. He has never told me that. I think I heard it though.
New Titles - Cause We're Getting Bored With the Existing
So Sea Hag it was and Sea Hag it will be.
Sea Hag - despite being pregnant for about 11 months (is this possible for human beings?) still hasn't delivered any baby. Color us surprised that no spawn has actually come out of this hag - so this leaves us questioning if she is really pregnant - or if she's faking the whole thing - or if she got knocked up AFTER she got married? Who knows - what we do know is that the dogs (after many complaints) are still barking day and night and creating a large problem for the neighbors.
Besides the rat dogs barking day and night - the "boys" in unit 1 have been doing the regular band practice and smoking enough pot to make King Kong get the munchies.... wonder if drug use in public is enough to question their "management style"?
Labels: Band Practice, Hags, Pot, Rat Dogs
Site Down - Did Someone Not Pay The Hosting?

So we went to another source - just to make sure.....

So - Registrant...you might want to look into why your site is tits up at the moment....
Whois Data :
Milan Puskovic
Milan Puskovic
4247 Dixie Canyon Ave.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 US
Milan P. Rubenstein
Milan Properties, Inc.
7360 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 101
West Hollywood, CA 90046 US
+1.3104550729 (FAX)
Milan P. Rubenstein
Milan Properties, Inc.
7360 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 101
West Hollywood, CA 90046 US
+1.3104550729 (FAX)
Milan P. Rubenstein
Milan Properties, Inc.
7360 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 101
West Hollywood, CA 90046 US
+1.3104550729 (FAX)
Record created on August 08, 2002
Record last updated on February 19, 2007
Record expires on August 08, 2009
Domain Name Servers:
Whats Worse - Rat Dogs or Band Rehearsal?
Perhaps they should advertise the vacant units with "free live music" and "pet store like atmosphere" . It seems only fair - instead of a "heated pool" perhaps they should advertise things that really exist like - "dirty rarely cleaned pool, cold as ice water, free live music @ 2am and free fertilizer (self pickup dog shit).
It kills me that people who pay rent don't seem to be entitled to live in a peaceful setting - per the email below you can see some people are getting aggro about the situation:
"Hello Again, the noise coming from Unit # 1 is still a problem. I called the Police Sat morning 12:30am, Mon morning 2:10am, and this morning at 1:00am. We have talked to this unit about the noise and this problem should be solved. Apparently, the person you talked to about the noise did not communicate this to the rest of the tenants in the unit. Maybe it was communicated but ignored - Who knows? I just want the quiet hours to be enforced. So Allan now is our On Site Manager? What responsibility does he have to address the noise coming from the unit? Am I supposed to continue calling the Police and sending you e-mails? Please let me know what my next move should be"
Now call me crazy but why do people have to write these emails? Are phone calls, and multiple visits from the LAPD not enough to sway the management of the building to do something?
Same thing goes for the dogs living with the psycho criminal in unit 7 - which bark all day and all night. Calling animal control is useless, because the psycho just registers them at old addresses where she no longer lives. Meanwhile other tenants are being told they can't have pets - baffling isn't it?
To illustrate the point several tenants formed a tenants assoc. in order to get the attention of the mgmt of this building. They even included an entire paragraph detailing the lurid behavior of these dogs and their owner. While Monica and Amy both admitted to receiving the letter and reading it; but not doing anything about the fact that there are 4 dogs living in unit 7 - which by the way is against LA County Ordinances - you are permitted three per dwelling. As far as we know Selma Naman aka Gurson doesn't have more than one legal address. So while one responsible non-psycho tenant is being threatened with three day notices and harassment, one psycho tenant can house FOUR dogs - one of which has a history of biting people - and you guessed it no matter how many letters, emails or phone calls - the dogs are still there crapping everywhere and peeing in the elevator.
Below we've pasted a bit of Monica's own words.....
Q Have you had any complaints from any other tenants concerning Ms. Gurson's behavior ?
A No.
Q Have you seen a lengthy letter from something called, I think it's 4950 Coldwater Canyon Tenants' Association signed by some dozen tenants which includes within it a list of alleged behavior, objectionable behavior on the part of Ms. Gurson?
A I briefly looked that over. I don't remember a section on Selma, no.
Q Specifically then, I think we'll leave that lady. Have you heard any complaints about the behavior ofher pets?
A Yes.
Q How many does she have?
A She has two small dogs. Is how I rented the apartment to her.
Q Have you heard suggestion that she has more? A She told me she was watching two other dogs of her mother's that would be going back.
Q Sorry?
A That would not be staying there for long.
Q When did she tell you that?
A This was a while ago when she moved in.
Q When she first moved in, she brought her own two dogs and her mother's two dogs? A She didn't bring her mother's two dogs. She was watching them for her mother. Q That's what I meant.
A Yes.
Q They were four dogs that moved in with her?
A No. Four dogs did not move in. Two dogs moved in, and at some point after she moved in, her mother dropped her two off.
Q How long after she moved in did that happen?
A I don't remember.
Q Couple weeks after?
A I guess that would be okay to say.
Q And then when did they leave, the two visiting dogs?
A I don't know.
Q Are they still there?
A I don't know.
Q Did you ever ask?
A No.
Q So, is it fair to say, your best information is that you have no reason to believe that there aren't still four dogs there, do you?
A I don't know how many dogs are there. I don't know. As far as I know, there's two.
Q Well --
A Last time I knew, her mother was taking them back. That's the last thing I knew.
Q The last time, if I understand you correctly,the last thing you knew was that two dogs, the mother's two dogs, had moved in sometime --
A They didn't move in.
Q I didn't mean that in a legal sense. They came to stay with Selma, and you agree that was several weeks after she moved in. You haven't heard anything since to suggest that those two dogs have now left, have you?
A No.

Who cares how you rented the apartment? Many tenants have called, emailed your company about the ILLEGAL number of dogs in that apartment - she's even sent photos saying "my four boys" DUH - she has a damn kennel in her house - WAKE UP. Is it really a stretch to assume that the same person (and we use that term loosely) that let homeless people in to shave in the laundry room, who allow homeless people to stalk tenants, - is it a stretch to believe 17 other people who have signed a letter telling you she has four dogs? Per the email she sent it's clear she has four dogs - FIGURE IT OUT!
In short - Monica - Amy - Milan - Carolina...WAKE UP!
Lot's of Eyes - Little brain cells

Either way a few things today make us all warm and fuzzy:
1. The fact that very soon - this same group will have to eat crow, and probably very large helpings of it.
2. Tweaker teeth and her team are checking this web site religiously (which proves that they're narcissistic enough to read this every day)
3. We still haven't received any cease and desist letters (I guess the first amendment applies to everyone - even to the tenants of buildings that this company owns)
I thought we might have a bit of fun today and provide you with a little background on the staff run by Tweaker Teeth. Todays featured staff member is Monica Corriveau.

Works for Milan Management
Age - Twenty-seven
Hails from New Hampshire
Has been in LA about a year and a half
Graduated from University of Southern Maine with a major in social science
Graduated in 2002
Before becoming directory of property mgmt - waited tables in Portland, Maine, Santa Cruz, Long Beach
Most memorable statement so far (when commenting on the problems @ the Coldwater building):
"but as far as like there's no cockroach problem to worry about. "
She even has the amazing ability to see documents before they're created!
Monica even has a MySpace profile - be sure to check her out here==>
Watch out for tomorrow's feature.... how to harass tenants who pay their rent, and how psycho tenants can help you accomplish your goals of being a slumlord.
Labels: Coldwater, staff, tweaker teeth
Check Out The New Forums
Any Guesses Who This Might Be?
Or she might be?
Did You Eat A Bowl Of Stupid For Breakfast?
We kind of knew this would happen - for some reason you people think that if you got one person out that everyone else would follow. Personally we're glad we're gone - but if you thought for even for the smallest split second that we would stand by and not use our first amendment right to speak out against your unfair housing practices, and your continued harassment of paying tenants in a rent controlled building - then you were wrong.
Look - we know you're sad because you bought a building and the market took a dive, the building is falling apart ....whatever the justification for your inability to sell the building is - it certainly does not fall onto the current tenants at the Coldwater building. Tenants who pay their rent on time, and don't disturb the peace should be left alone. Once again I'll restate - you should be over JOYED that these people want to live there.
Doesn't it say something that your own "resident manager" has moved out and abandoned your building because he was tired of hearing complaints that he couldn't address? This means that once again you're in violation of the law by not having a resident manager on site.
I thought for the fun of it we'd play a game called read between the lines - here's how we play. We're going to take copy from Milan Properties and translate it so that the universe can understand what's behind it. Let's go!
From your site - under the "Services" section :
Why should you work for your properties when we can make your properties work for you?
Our management staff is fully equipped
>> should really say ill equipped and inept
and prepared to maximize your income property and bring it to the next level.
>> by next level we're assuming a lower level?
Whether you’re looking to resell with us for quick profits
>> insert term property flipper (and we can't even do that well)
or hold on to your portfolio for steady income, with expertise in management
>> expertise means "in an expert fashion - this word clearly does not explain your services.
and property growth our team will help your property run efficiently and smoothly.
>> By smoothly we mean that we'll try to terrorize current residents into leaving.
We’ll add value to your buildings with our in house maintenance and sales staff,
>> We actually will degrade the value of your property through lack of maintenance and multiple housing complaints
handling everything from remodeling
>> remodeling means something actual gets replace or renewed - this does not mean painting!
to dealing with the day to day hassles of land lording.
>> We mean the hassles of slum lording or threatening to burn down the building - you're apparently a full service terrorist organization.
Our team will turn over your units with minimal vacancy time
>> Is minimal vacancy around 8 months?
and achieve the greatest potential for your units.
We work hard to keep both tenants and owners satisfied and the buildings working efficiently.
>> We even deliver phony non compliant
Milan Properties conducts its own management over company acquisitions. We strategize
>> Apparently you meant plot and connive there is a difference.
ways to reach the maximum financial potential for your properties.
Wasn't that fun - check back later when we go through the "management" section of the website.
Tweaker Teeth has a Husband

Now on to the dumb ass photo....drum roll please - I think we'll call this one "super a**hole"
2 out of 3 Tenants Can't Be Wrong
BAD LANDLORDS, great at harassment... | |
![]() | |
Just a little update regarding another property being managed by Milan...they have only been in charge of the building for a month and have already tried evicting three tenants. They have been using scare tactics and have now hired the Law Firm of "Dennis P. Block & Associates" to issue notices to all tenants - notices that could have easily been handled by the company itself, such as "fire alarm inspection". They are attempting to scare the current tenants into moving without having to pay relocation fees. |
I wonder how many of your other tenants have sued you and won....we think we saw at least one case.
Hey tweaker teeth - are you really this stupid?
Labels: tweaker teeth
Threats or IdleNitwit Chatter
No Amy... no one cares if you want to be friendly or not after someone testifies against you, and further more if you weren't such slum lords, then maybe people wouldn't be airing your dirty laundry in public. When someone comes in to pay their rent, you should be kissing their ass instead of yelling at them, and making idle threats. Honestly after living in the rat hole that you deemed a "model apartment" I think you should be sending thank you notes to the people putting up with the psycho stalker in unit 7, the nightly loud ass band practices in unit 1, and the constant harassment from your staff, and the dog shit laden courtyard. You should be thanking GOD these people don't sue your pants off in response to the conditions above.
I wonder Amy Rubinstein - if the rest of the world is aware that your husband (who apparently is a bigger bitch that you are) has a criminal record for fraud. According the records in South Bay Mr. Milan Rubinstein (yes they have the same last name because he's so whipped that he changed his name to hers ...weak) indicate that Milan was charged with California Penal Code 484(a) which is defined by Findlaw as :
lead, or drive away the personal property of another, or who shall
fraudulently appropriate property which has been entrusted to him or
her, or who shall knowingly and designedly, by any false or
fraudulent representation or pretense, defraud any other person of
money, labor or real or personal property, or who causes or procures
others to report falsely of his or her wealth or mercantile character
and by thus imposing upon any person, obtains credit and thereby
fraudulently gets or obtains possession of money, or property or
obtains the labor or service of another, is guilty of theft.
Now call us crazy if you will but I think this is one of the same charges that their model tenant Selma Naman aka Selma Gurson was convicted of. It turns out that our mothers were all correct about birds of a feather flocking together. No wonder you want her to stay - she's your type (the criminal type).
As you may have noticed this blog is back up - because I think we could care less what crap you try to throw our way...it obviously doesn't stick. Buh Bye - have a nice day :)
Labels: Twits