Here a Notice There a Notice Everywhere a Fake Notice
We just want you to remember that you still didn't get your way; and regardless of what you may think your issues with the tenants you continue to harass at ALL of your buildings might

We're so sorry today didn't turn out as planned for you; perhaps you can go bury your sorrows in a bag of white powdery bliss?
>select * FROM management WHERE clue > 0
0 rows returned
Ghetto is as Ghetto Does
Notice from the photo that they did have the courtesy to write "broken glass" - duh. Why not replace the window? We're pretty sure that this is just another way to encourage existing tenants to move out, after all who wants to live in a building where nothing this serious even phases the management team? Shouldn't this be fixed already, how hard can it really be to call a glass contractor to come replace it? Maybe they're waiting for their team of illegals to come fix it? Who knows - it just needs to be fixed.
Labels: apartments, Coldwater, ghetto, Managers, Milan, Rat Dogs
A Little Contact Info
Studio City, CA 91604-2744
(818) 752-2297
Los Angeles, CA 90027-5913
(323) 906-9195
(818) 752-2294
(818) 753-9791
West Hollywood, CA 90046-6600
(323) 906-9119
Los Angeles, CA 90046-3049
(323) 512-7674
Perhaps one of these numbers or addresses is real?
Labels: Amy, contact info, Milan, rentals, staff, tweaker teeth
New Rentals from Milan Properties
Mar-28 $900 SINGLE! HARDWOOD FLOORS! DEPOSIT ONLY $450! SHOWING THU @ 6PM! (INGELWOOD, LAX) pic <<apts/housing for rent
Mar-28 $1350 / 2br - SHOWING WED @ 12PM! DEPOSIT ONLY $675! 2ND MONTH FREE! 2b/2b! (Central LA, USC, FIDM) pic <<apts/housing for rent
Hey Duh is it Still Christmas... It's March Tweakers!
Wow The Ghetto Building Status Continues
Reduex on Anonymous Comments - More Building Locations
Mind you that comments that sound like they came from our favorite perjury queen won't be allowed, but all others will, including those posted by the management company in question.
We've only done this because Milan Management has been so sucessful in bullying their tenants into silence. Hopefully once we open up the comments to anonymous posters we'll hear back from some tenants.
In other news we've researched the listings that Milan Properties currently has on their roll, and it seems like we've found the location of the building in Northridge, CA, check out the complete inventory below:
- 16005 Vanowen ST VAN NUYS 91406
Liar Liar Pants On Fire
Have fun reading the doc provided. This means not only did Milan Properties managing member lie on the stand, it also means so did her property manager, her lawyer, and Steve "the owner with the arsonist threats). Funny how the LAHD found that the apartment listed not only didn't have heat, they also found that 7011 Fountain LLC and Milan Properties both ignored the warnings from the housing department of such a repair. Not only that they actually considered sticking your building into REAP.
For those of you out there that have an apartment owned or managed by these people, and are having issues getting things repaired the LAHD complaints do work. We talked with one frustrated tenant a few days ago who said that Milan Properties had been reported yet nothing seemed to help, at least not yet. Seeing these letters from LAHD hopefully gives other tenants they need to file complaints as needed after all other methods of requesting maintenance have failed.
So Amy...which of your staff has allegedly telling tenants that they can use their connections to get onto the Section 8 list for a county? Isn't that a crime?????
Labels: Amy, apartments, Coldwater, crooks, Managers, staff, tenants rights, tweaker teeth
Bad Tenants Ya Say? Who Bad Tenant....Who Might YOU Be Speaking Of Not... MOI!
After reading this one wonders if several restraining orders makes future harassment "foreseeable." Perhaps it's the multiple phone calls about the MULTIPLE instances of such harassment, maybe it's the fact that dogs barking 24/7, or perhaps the glass shattering @ 4:20am, or maybe...just maybe it's the constant band practice? We're pretty sure all these things constitute a "bad tenant", sadly enough the staff at Milan Properties let them all move in and even employ a few.
Bad Tenants and the Landlord's Responsibilities
Landlords are obligated to provide their tenants with a reasonably safe place to live. In many states, this duty includes installing smoke alarms and sprinklers for fire protection, and peepholes and locks for protection against intruders. What about protection from other tenants? Unlike the trespasser or intruder, the bad tenant, who disturbs or endangers other tenants, has some legal right to be on the property. An attorney with expertise in the area of landlord-tenant law can advise you on your state's law on this subject.
Lease Requirements
Most written leases of property require tenants to refrain from disturbing the other tenants. Some state laws also require tenants to conduct themselves in a manner that will not bother other tenants. It is the landlord's responsibility to enforce this type of lease provision, since the landlord controls who rents property from him or her. A tenant who consistently disturbs other tenants is in violation of his or her lease and may be evicted from the property.
Landlords may also include provisions in their lease agreements that explicitly prohibit tenants from engaging in illegal activities. If there is such a provision, and a tenant violates it, the landlord should move quickly to evict the offending tenant.
Landlords may be liable to tenants for bad acts of other tenants if those bad acts were reasonably foreseeable. In other words, if the landlord knew or should have known that a tenant might harm another tenant, the landlord may be liable if he or she did not take actions to protect the injured tenant.
What does "reasonably foreseeable" mean? It is, of course, impossible to predict anyone's future behavior, but there are steps a landlord may easily take to screen potential tenants. We live in an age in which it is very easy to find out information about almost anyone, so finding out if a potential tenant may pose problems for other tenants is no more difficult than the credit and rental history background checks many landlords do as a matter of routine. Note that state or local law in your community may not allow a landlord to refuse to rent to someone on the basis of that person's criminal record.
A "clean" result on a background check does not necessarily mean that it is not foreseeable that a tenant may cause problems. There are clues that may be apparent after a tenant moves in that may make it foreseeable that a tenant will disturb or endanger other tenants. Some of these clues are:
- Persistent, excessive noise
- Numerous police calls
- Heavy traffic in and out of the rented premises
- Broken or missing security items (locks, alarms) in and around the leased premises
A landlord should act quickly when he or she learns of anything that makes it foreseeable that a tenant may harm or disturb other tenants.
Liability to the Public
In some cities or states, a landlord may be liable to the public at large for criminal acts committed by tenants on the landlord's property. Penalties may range form monetary fines, to revocation of a landlord's license, or even condemnation of the property in extreme cases.
A landlord needs to keep a close watch on his or her property in order to avoid liability. The days of the truly absentee landlord are over in communities that make a landlord accountable for his or her properties. Careful screening of potential tenants, along with swift action to remove problem tenants, should help a landlord to avoid liability for tenants' bad acts.
The responsibility of a landlord for the acts of a "bad" tenant varies from state-to-state, and even in different communities in the same state. An attorney with experience in landlord-tenant issues can analyze your situation, and tell you what you need to know.
Copyright ©1994-2005 FindLaw, a Thomson Business
Count Down to Defeat
Submit Your Tales of Terror
We thought it might be great to hear from other tenants of properties either owned or managed by the Milan Properties Management team. If you have a question, want to post here or just have a photo please email us @ info @ milanpropertiessuck.com.
Anything submitted won't be posted without your express written permission, we're simply trying to start an exchange between the people victimized by the sometimes illegal and most certainly unethical treatment.
Don't be afraid of the tyranny - submit your photos and stories!
Labels: Managers, photos, staff, tenant stories, tenants rights
Recent Listings
Mar-22 $1350 / 1br - SHOWING FRI @ 3P! DEPOSIT ONLY $625! HARDWOOD FLOORS! (PALMS, CULVER CITY) pic <<apts/housing for rent
Mar-22 $1075 / 1br - HUGE APT! PET FRIENDLY! DEPOSIT ONLY $538! SHOWING THU @ 7PM!! (Van Nuys) pic <<apts/housing for rent
Mar-22 $900 SINGLE! SHOWING FRI @ 5PM! DEPOSIT ONLY $450! W/HARDWOOD FLOORS! (INGELWOOD) pic <<apts/housing forLabels: 323-514-3886, apartments, Georgina, listings, Managers, rentals, staff
Locations for Future Harassment
Connect The Dots - Or
Yesterday's installing of the live chat support really seemed to win a few people over and spur some much needed conversation between the tenants of the buildings that Milan Properties aka Milan Management AKA 7011 Fountain LLC and Samba LLC. Now that we've dispensed with the formalities we can begin how this little twisted tale is developing.
Todays tidbit comes from yet another tenant who is in the middle of an "ejection suit" ( we refuse to call it eviction - it's not) and who seems to be sick of their tyranny.
As for Milan, Amy, Maya, Carolina, Monica, and Georgina - we know you're sad that people are connecting the dots and coming together. There is some truth to "strength in numbers" and it's our bet that you've just signed yourself up for more than you bargained for. After all we bet that you never banked on your victims getting together to fight back and stand up to your crap. You should have at least planned for part of this, but then again you haven't been seen an an overtly intelligent entity thus far, and while we think you're still a worthy opponent (because you need to be stopped from your campaign of ejecting paying tenants from their homes) and we're loving the whole process of thwarting your plans.
Below is an email that we received today:
Date: Wed, Mar 21, 2007 1:13 pm
To: info@milanpropertiessuck.com
Subject: they do suck
Milan Properties took over the building that I live in. I mailed in my rent to their office, and they claim that they didn't receive it. I have been served with eviction papers. They tried to pull the same thing with other tenants, but fortunately for them, they had copies of their money orders. I unfortunately mailed in a personal check.
There's another building that they took over and the majority of the tenants left because of Milan's tactics. They're also suing the tenants of another building for 'non-payment'.
Now, I just have to wait for the trial.
Recent Listings
Mar-20 $1150 / 1br - SHOWING WED @ 2:30PM! BRAND NEW APT FOR APRIL! GRANITE KIT COUNTERS! (North Hollywood) pic
Mar-20 $1075 / 1br - Showing WED @ 1PM! HUGE APT! DEPOSIT ONLY $540! (Van Nuys, Sherman Oaks) pic
Mar-19 $1075 / 1br - HUGE APT! HARDWOOD FLOORS! DEPOSIT ONLY$538! (VAN NUYS) pic
Live Help - Just When You Need It Most
In case you ever need to visit any of the tenants at 4950 Coldwater you can simply click on the live help option and hopefully someone will be able to tell you what buzzer number to ring. This is way better than actually having a freaking door directory (which the building has been lacking for 6 months) or some other form of resident listing at the door.
I guess though that making a door registry would require your tenants to actually inform you of where they live and who they are right? After all the company that owns and manages the building couldn't possibly be expected to keep a roll of active tenants and their names this would simply cause too much distress to Amy and her "crack" management team.
So if you want to chat or if you want to find out what doorbell to ring - don't hesitate to click the live help icon!
Think Twice - Freedom of Speech Still Rules
The California Supreme Court ruled Monday that bloggers and participants in Internet bulletin board groups cannot be sued for posting defamatory statements made by others.
In deciding a case closely watched by free speech groups, the court said a federal law gives immunity from libel suits not only to Internet service providers, like AOL, but also to bloggers and other users of their services.
"Subjecting Internet service providers and users to defamation liability would tend to chill online speech," today's unanimous ruling said.
The decision (http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/opinions/documents/S122953.PDF) is a victory for Internet free speech advocates, who warned that a contrary outcome could have affected users of newsgroups, blogs, listservs, and bulletin boards who enter those forums to discuss the views of others. A loss could even have jeopardized websites run by students to evaluate their professors, said the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation in friend of court briefs.
The case involved a lawsuit against Ilena Rosenthal, a women's health activist, who created an e-mail list and a newsgroup (alt.support.breast-implant) to discuss issues related to breast implants. Six years ago, she posted a letter written by a man who was highly critical of the efforts of a doctor to discredit advocates of alternative health treatments.
In the letter, the doctor, Terry Polevoy, was accused of trying to get an alternative medicine radio program canceled by using "scare tactics, stalking, and intimidation techniques" against the program's producer. Polevy, who maintained a website himself to expose what he called "health fraud and quackery" sued Rosenthal for libel.
She argued that because she did not write the letter herself and instead posted the work of another to her newsgroup, she was immune from suit under a section of the federal Communications Decency Act, passed by Congress in 1966. It protects both Internet service providers and their users from lawsuits.
In today's ruling, the California Supreme court said that granting such broad immunity for posting defamatory statements "has some troubling consequences."
Nevertheless, the court said, "Until Congress chooses to revise the settled law in this area" people who contend they were defamed on the Internet can seek recovery only from the original source of the statement, not from those who re-post it."
Surprise - Ours Is Better
One thing I can tell you is that ours knocks yours outta the park - no questions asked.
Game on!
Prison Record?
Plauge of the Anonymous Comments
Selma - I'm not sure if you're aware of this - but you need help. By help we mean professional

Seeing as how our number one viewer seems to have an issue with narcissistic

I know - I know - you're thinking that this is a blog, and free speech and public opinion should supersede any psychos' lust to post stupid "red herring" comments. the theory with limiting the anonymous comments boils down to ownership, harassment, and the right to stick to the issues.
1. Selma has nothing valuable to say - ever. If it's so important to get it on the blog she'll leave her name.
2. Contacting the owners of this blog constitutes harassment (click the restraining order link)
3. If you're so damn proud of what you write - then sign it biaaaatch!
4. She can't FUCKING SPELL - at least if you're going to spend hours making ridiculous comments online then you should be able to at least spell!
So without further delay the last anonymous comment (threat) that we'll ever post. Sorry Sea Hag - your days of harassing people are coming to an end.
"Remember I told you that there was a surprise for Sara Williams, John Pascale, and Anthony Clark? Well, I think you're gong to have to shhut up now because Karma's a bitch just like you!You will READ ALL ABOUT SARA WILLIAMS AND ANTHONY CLARK oh yeh Selma doesn';t live in trailer parks thats John POascale and Sara WIlliams. Pascale admitted to it...you don't know the guest house address - it belongs to a rehab you think Selma is stupid to give out any real addresses? A amiling address is different than residential! What can you expect from an uneducated blob? LOL when are you going over to coldwater canyon...? your presence is requested oh so desparately! "
Recent Postings
Mar-15 $1050 / 1br - HUGE APT! NO PET DEPOSIT! DEPOSIT ONLY$525!

Mar-14 $1550 2B/1.5 BATH! SHOWING THU @ 2:30P! DEPOSIT ONLY $775! HARDWOOD FLOORS! (PALMS, CULVER CITY) pic <<apts/housing for rent
Mar-14 $1475 / 2br - SHOWING THU @ 1PM! BEAUITFUL APT! DEPOSIT ONLY $738 (Los Angeles, FIDM, USC) pic <<apts/housing for rent
Mar-14 $1475 / 2br - SEE WED @ 6PM! Hardwood floors! DEPOSIT ONLY $738! 3 miles FIDM & USC! (USC, Central Los Angeles,) pic <<apts/housing for rent
Mar-13 $1500 / 2br - 2b/1.5B! Beauitful APT! SHOWING WED @ 1PM! HARDWOOD FLOORS! ( Central Los Angeles, PALMS) pic <<apts/housing for rent
Labels: 323-514-3886, Amy, apartments, Georgina, listings, Managers, rentals, staff
FYI - Another Harassment Complaint -
It's been heard through many voice mail messages that Selma was never served (although we know this is false because we served her TWICE) and watched both

Point being - Selma Naman, Gurson, Gursen, - or whatever name is being used this week can't really be employed by Milan Management in any function that deals with tenants in any way. I guess neither Milan nor Selma have heard of a kick out order which can be enforced through the courts. The only reason that a kick out order was not requested at the time of the hearing is because Selma filed a false response with the court stating that she was moving to the East Coast shortly - hence the judge simply issued the restraining order not knowing that she had perjured herself by filing a false response.
A note to Amy and her minions: Notice that the order says direct or indirect contact? This means that if you are enabling Selma's continued harassment that you too are violating a court order issued by this judge.
So without further delay - click here for a copy of the restraining order.
In short - we can't BELIEVE you people actually gave any credible thought to the complaints or concerns of Selma Naman/Gurson .
Slumlords in Business with and Eviction King - Surprised - Not Really
Maybe I missed a few details, but normally when someone purchases a building they are well aware of the tenants who live there, how many of them are subject to rent control laws, who pays what rent etc. This is very clear by the setup sheets put together by the real estate agent or company looking to sell the building. If that wasn't enough to inform them of the rent control status, then there are numerous other things that they have to do by law - like register the units yearly with the rent stabilization board, along with any rent

So this morning I was reading the LA Times article on Dennis Block who works for the crooks at Milan Management. This is no surprise right - after all Milan and Amy have employed many of the tactics that Dennis disclosed in his interview on how to get tenants out. I remembered something with reviewing the Milan Properties site - that I had seen an advertisement for legal services for guess who...yes ...Dennis Block. I guess it's natural then to assume that the most unscrupulous management company / building owner we've ever come across is obviously paired or trading services with someone known to eject paying tenants by using loop holes in the law.
I'm not sure who is worse at this point - Dennis Block for actually taking these cases with such pride or the the slumlords that utilize his services - it really is a toss up. Read the LA Times article for yourself.
He shows renters the door
Almost all the callers wanted the same thing: to evict their tenants.
In a DVD he gives to landlords, Block describes himself this way: "A man who has evicted more tenants than any other human being on the planet Earth."
He has never been busier.
Zooming property values have sent rents skyrocketing more than 25% in four years citywide and even higher in rapidly gentrifying areas. But hundreds of thousands of tenants are protected by rent-stabilization laws, which limit rent increases to 4% a year. When the tenant moves, market rates can take effect — but tenants can be evicted only with good cause.
That's where Block comes in. He has dedicated his considerable creativity and intelligence to helping landlords evict tenants from rent-stabilized buildings. He boasts that his firm has filed more than 130,000 cases since 1980, a year after rent stabilization went into effect. He helps landlords identify minor violations — a pet fish in an aquarium, a brightly painted bathroom, an extra occupant — to toss out long-term tenants who are paying below market for their homes.
Tenant advocates tend to turn red with rage at the mention of Block's name. They say that in a city with a shortage of affordable housing, Block's efforts leave people with nowhere to go and in danger of becoming homeless. Worse, his example is followed by many other lawyers and landlords. "He puts people on the street totally turns communities upside down…. I think it's contemptible," said Brett Terrell, the director of advocacy for the Inner City Law Center, a nonprofit that works with tenants being evicted.
Block, 55, greets such criticism with indignation.
"I think my position is righteous," he said. "The average landlord is not a rich individual…. Under rent control, unlike any other business on planet Earth, a landlord is being ordered to support other individuals totally at his own costs. This is not fair."
Evicting rent-stabilized tenants, he says, is his "patriotic duty."
Even his critics agree that no one does it better than Block. A legal aid lawyer once joked that if a building had rats, Block could find a way to evict the tenants on the grounds that the vermin were pets.
"Line," he yelled one recent morning in his office, a sign to his staff that he was ready to take a call.
"This is … " he paused for effect, making his listener wait "Dennis Block."
Sometimes, the landlords don't believe they are actually talking to Dennis Block, and Block has to convince them. Sometimes, they aren't sure he exists, such is his Oz-like stature as Los Angeles' wizard of evictions.
But this caller, the irate owner of a five-unit building in West Los Angeles, launched right into his troubles. One of his tenants was in a rent-controlled unit, and he wanted to "serve her with a 60-day notice to get the [expletive] out."
Block nodded, as if he understood the impulse. But, unfortunately, he told the landlord, "that is not a proper notice" under the city's rent control laws.
The landlord paused, then offered up a litany of complaints about the tenant in hopes Block could find grounds for eviction. She'd refused to sign a new rental agreement. Block shrugged. "She doesn't have to," he said.
How about the fact that she had asked for interest on her security deposit? Block made a sardonic face. "She's got a good point there."
The landlord tried again: She'd scraped off the textured paint on her ceiling. Could she be evicted for that?
Block, whose bright blue eyes animate his thin face, leaned forward, interested. But when he learned it had happened months earlier, he sighed. "Talk to me about something recent."
The landlord thought for a second, then said he had noticed the tenant had taken out her smoke alarms.
"The smoke detectors is a good one," Block said, promising to send out a notice immediately. If the tenant didn't fix the problem in three days, she could be out.
MORE than two-thirds of the city's 750,000 apartments are covered under rent stabilization. Most people who get evicted leave quietly — they've paid their rent late or violated their lease in some other way, so when served with a notice, they pack up. Legal aid lawyers can help only a small fraction of the more than 50,000 tenants evicted each year in Los Angeles County, and they choose their cases carefully, usually taking on only the fights they think they can win.
On this morning, over the next 90 minutes, Block took nearly two dozen calls.
In most cases, they ended with Block's computer already printing out forms to start an eviction case — but not always. To one landlord who said his tenant promised to fix up his unit in exchange for lower rent and then hadn't done any work, Block replied, "OK, you've got nothing. The next time you have a tenant proposing doing anything other than paying rent, take your head and hit it against the wall."
Other times, however, Block seemed to take pleasure in sticking it to the people who had stiffed his clients.
For a landlord who complained she had not collected back rent in a victorious eviction case against a tenant, Block pledged to file a judgment even though it was unlikely the tenant would ever pay. "At least you have the satisfaction of knowing you messed her credit up," he said.
"Good," the landlord responded. "I like your thinking, Dennis. I always have."
Block argues that the city's rent-stabilization laws keep him in business by creating conditions in which some landlords cannot make a profit, and in some cases can't even make their mortgage payments, unless they evict their tenants and replace them with people who can pay the market rate.
One tenant advocate called him "the Henry Ford of evictions" because of the breathtaking efficiency of his office in processing cases. Another, UCLA law professor Gary Blasi, said he is a "very sharp lawyer … exceptional in terms of his creativity in finding and exploiting loopholes."
Block's office computer system has turned evictions into a high-volume business. He takes such pride in the system, which he helped design, that he pauses lovingly before the server while conducting a tour of his office. Legal notices that can culminate in an eviction are generated instantly. Landlords can track their cases on his website. Block compares it to Southwest Airlines' website. Only, he says, his is better.
Most clients don't set foot in Block's office, where the reception area is decorated with community service commendations from the City Council and county Board of Supervisors for his work with the Apartment Owners Assn. of Greater Los Angeles. At another spot hangs a photograph of someone being evicted on New York's Lower East Side at the turn of the 20th century.
There is also a sign warning clients: "Meetings with an attorney are subject to a charge of up to $150 per 30 minutes … in addition to any charge for legal services."
A simple eviction will cost landlords about $100 plus court costs of around $400. If one of Block's attorneys has to go to court, that fee jumps to $350 in attorneys' fees, plus court costs. If a case goes to a jury trial, fees go way up. But most don't — in part because most tenants don't have lawyers and don't fight back.
In rare cases, Block winds up in extended legal battles.
The Inner City Law Center fought his office for weeks on behalf of Nazlu Stepanian, a disabled woman who has lived in her Hollywood apartment for 26 years, now paying $469 for a one-bedroom, which is significantly below market. The building was recently sold to a new owner, a Block client, who said Stepanian hadn't paid her rent on time and served her with eviction papers. Lawyers for Stepanian said that Block and the landlord seized the pretext that Stepanian's rent was a few days late to force her from her home so they could raise the rent. "It was unjust," said Betsy Handler, litigation director for the center. A judge ruled Feb. 28 that Stepanian could stay in her apartment.
BLOCK knows Los Angeles well. He grew up in Hollywood and went to Fairfax High School. He met his wife, Ida, near there when he offered her a ride home. They've been married for 32 years. Their political views sometimes clash — Ida worked as a schoolteacher in poor neighborhoods before quitting to stay home with their three children.
It was Ida's father who gave Block his first eviction case. While Block was still in law school, he helped his father-in-law evict some tenants from a building he owned.
When he graduated from the law school at Whittier College in 1976, he went into business with another lawyer, Michael Katz, planning to open a general practice. But then the city of Los Angeles passed its rent-stabilization law, and Block and Katz found they had more than enough work handling evictions alone. Katz left the business in 1988.
Block rises each morning at 3:35, which he says gives him enough time to drink coffee, head to the gym and be at his desk by 7. He's there until 4 or 5 p.m. He rarely takes lunch. He rarely leaves the phones for any reason.
Michael Gilbert, a real estate agent and friend for more than two decades, said he does not find Block's obsession with work particularly remarkable.
"He wants to make a lot of money, I think. He loves his job, and he has a passion for it, and he makes money," Gilbert said, noting that Block did not grow up rich. "It's just the ambition and the idea that you never want to go broke."
Aside from work and his family, Block has few passions.
He has a tennis court at his Calabasas home, and he sometimes plays with friends, although Gilbert joked that Block is too competitive and he won't play with him anymore.
Block has Lakers season tickets and seems to have near perfect recall of every game. Before heading to his seats he often has dinner at the Palm restaurant, where on a recent night he sat sipping martinis, eating steak and discussing O.J. Simpson and Anna Nicole Smith with two old friends.
But even these topics circled back to evictions.
On the subject of Anna Nicole Smith, his friend Zachary Lawrence quipped that Block "is to evictions what Anna Nicole is to large brassieres." As for Simpson, Block said, "if they couldn't convict, at least they could have evicted him."
Block said he is so dedicated to his work, he hates even the idea of vacation. This spring, he said, Ida is making him go to Cabo San Lucas, but he thinks he'll be able to bear it because he has figured out a way to bring his phone and hook up his computer system so he can work from his hotel room.
Despite his love for his job, there's one place Block seldom goes: to court. Instead, he sends one of the nine lawyers on his staff.
On any given day, courtrooms in Los Angeles County hear dozens of eviction cases, and it's not unusual for nearly a third of those to be handled by Block's firm.
A recent Friday in Department 97 in the downtown civil courthouse was no exception. Of 35 eviction cases on calendar; 11 were Block's. The seats in the courtroom were filled with families facing eviction. One worried-looking couple took turns holding a sleeping baby.
Toward noon, a commissioner sent one case to another courtroom. John Greenwood, one of Block's attorneys, got up and headed down the corridor.
He didn't get far before he was waylaid by a lawyer who represents tenants.
"Why doesn't Dennis Block ever come here?" Daniel Bramzon demanded. "I'm challenging Dennis Block to a jury trial."
Greenwood, a head taller than Bramzon, stopped and snorted. "Do you see Norman Schwarzkopf in battle? Dennis Block is the general. We are the lieutenants. We keep the system working."
"Hah," Bramzon answered. "He keeps the system working by kicking out poor Mexicans." Bramzon took a step toward Greenwood. "He's scared of me."
Greenwood snorted again. "No one's scared of you." He paused, then delivered his kicker: Dennis Block never comes to court because "he's too busy making money."
Christmas Comes Early for 4950 Coldwater

We've decided to let you hear some of the old voice mail messages that we've been saving :)
Enjoy kiddies.....
Be careful - don't turn the volume on these audio files too loud - your ears may bleed. We can't listen to them any more - but have fun...this only goes to show how INSANE Selma really is.
Good choice Amy for choosing a leasing manager that stalks children, threatens violence, and who has multiple restraining orders out against her!
By the way posting photos that you've sent us isn't illegal. Are you afraid that the people who read this blog might actually identify you?
Crazy 1
Crazy 2
Crazy 3
Labels: Amy, Crazy People, Managers, Selma, tweaker teeth
Oh yeah - almost forgot
From : ML
Sent : Thursday, March 1, 2007 2:05 AM
To : xxx@aol.com
Subject : RE: (no subject)
What a nice life you have?!!!!!!!!!
Do you mean your life as a thief? or as a federal inmate? Hooking around with guys outdoors and getting pregnant, then trying to have the child named to another guy and not his father as they have done with you Selma Gursen..lol.
So who is going to be the father for your bastard? I recommend you to draw lots and look for the unlucky winner.
Even your brother and sister from your esteemed mother are disgusted by your deeds and they do not want to have any kind of relation with you. They want to stay clean away from your filth which never ends.
You talk about your beauty? don't you have a single mirrior at your condo? you old ugly freak? didn't you notice the wrinkles arround your eyes and on your neck. Look to the shape of your greasy legs, you make me throw up. Ugly women can never be seen with good looking handsome men, thats why you and mourad look wonderful together,I hope you understood stupid dumb...
Do you dare to come to Turkey you swindler, you will be directly taken to be prosecuted once you arrive. Even your embassy supplied me with their authorized attorneys whom I can get contacted with after I informed them about your history documented.
Who is harassing who? you insane filthy creature who keeps opening new email accounts to send this shit since I keep blocking you email accounts. Now you are using the name of Sara Williams,what can we say?! you got used to forgery and imposture.
You are TALEK, TALEK, TALEK. BOª OL,BOª OL, BOª OL. You are divorced,divorced, divorced.
I wrote it in Arabic, Turkish and English may be you can understand now that I have torn your awfull page out of my life book.
Just In Case You Missed The Comment
I was once a room mate (and victim) of SELMA NAMAN.
We shared an apartment in 2000 - two months after moving in she was captured and carted off to prison (NO bail, deemed a 'flight risk'). She left me to pay for her long distance calls, her share of the rent, utilities, take care of her 3 cats and dog! Her mother (MERAL NAMAN) promised me she would take of her daughter's obligations - only to leave me in the LURCH.
The apple clearly doesn't fall too far from the tree. What did SELMA NAMAN serve time for in a federal penitentiary: fraud, bank fraud, mail fraud, forgery...I can't even remember them all! Turns out she had been 'house sitting" for a woman whose husband was dying slowly and agonisingly from cancer. The couple had a motel/restaurant business in Washington State called the "Moby Dick". The poor woman was flying hither and thither between the business in Washington State and the couple's residence in Washington DC.
SELMA NAMAN took FULL advantage: the prosecuting attorney told me that SELMA NAMAN defrauded this poor woman of $70, 000.00 - she even forged the husband's name on a cheque after he had been put in the GRAVE. There is much more to tell - this woman actually kept 'souvenirs' of her CRIMES in the form of copies of forged cheques, and so on.
Selma in Streaming Audio
As one of her neighbors put it - "her voice drove me nuts the first time I heard it"
Check back later (much later) for voicemail from the felon.
Comment from Sea Hag - Again

Selma - think twice on who needs to do spell check... next time would be you please be so decent as to come through an anonymous ip? After all you seem to think you're a mastermind - but all you seem to master is trapping yourself.
Don't you think we track who comments and who visits the blog? Who is so narcissistic that they actually search for their own name over and over again on Yahoo, who happens to be using AOL dial up? Hmmm we think it's you - after all even Amy Rubenstein probably has better things to do (like harass tenants) at 8pm.
As for Amy - don't you realize what a big pile of crap you've stepped in getting in bed with this lunatic? You are liable for her actions while she is employed by you - making you liable for all her

I can understand how you think this is personal - however it's not. The reason this blog exists is to expose the slimy underbelly of your company. You can't simply go on operating in this fashion because eventually some judge is going to catch on to your crap. I understand you're in a bind and can't sell the building until you've removed (by one illegal method or another) all of the old tenants - but that's not their plight - it's yours. Paying tenants who don't disturb the peace, who pay their rent and respect the property have a right to live harassment free, without worries that their landlord is always on one scheme or another to get them evicted regardless of being model tenants. So Amy, Milan, Monica, Carolina, Georgina, and now Selma - Karma is a cruel mistress - hopefully you'll turn your ways around before it plops large amounts of justly deserved crap onto your door steps.
Without any further delay - the comment from sea hag....
Anonymous said...
Yes I think Sara needs to spell check her words before posting lies, secondly Sara is a sick lonely miserable bitch whom keeps us amused and wantys to fuck my husband and has 5 miserable spies living at 4950 coldwater canyon Two Bitch fagots a 4 eyed monster, a tweezer name anthony clark who's next in line to get booted...and larry the fag with lonley lesbian roommate
3/12/2007 08:37:00 PM
A Warning to Tenants
You may want to take this very seriously - apparently the rumor is confirmed... Selma Gurson aka Selma Naman is the new leasing manager at 4950 Coldwater Canyon Ave. (if the mailboxes are to be believed).
This means that the most crooked management company on earth has now employed a convicted felon to hold your keys to your units, and your mailbox keys. Never mind that she's been convicted of mail tampering, fraud, forgery and credit card fraud - and she has a several restraining orders against her (one recently taken out by a present tenant.
Apparently either Milan Properties (7011 Fountain LLC aka Milan Management) is begging to be sued - or they're just dumber than a fence post. Maybe both?
Who know - perhaps Selma and Milan know each other from a holding tank at the La County Jail, after all they were both arrested for the same charge. Birds of feather - we'll let you decide.
Email Amy and tell her your opinion on this convict having access to your homes.
Labels: criminal, DUH, staff, stupid people, tweaker teeth
Recent Rentals Milan Properties - Milan Leasing Etc.
Crooks Checking Out Crooks?
Today someone interesting came across the blog by just this method of search and find. Apparently someone from Casden Properties is checking out the site. Funny thing is - there are bad eggs at Casden Properties as well. Perhaps birds of a feather flock together?
Check out this article from the Los Angeles District Attorneys Office pointing to some illegal activity over at Casden Properties.
Amy and Milan Rubenstein should really take note of thing published online.
Labels: crooks, money laundering, tweaker teeth
Free Speech Biatch
Check it out - Apartment Ratings Has picked up the location.
In Case You Need to ID the Felon
Burnt Toast
Here's a clue morons - don't disclose your plots and plans to an impulsive

Case in point Selma the Sea Hag told you guys she was 6 months pregnant in December, then turned around and left messages (ignoring her restraining order(s)) saying that she was 9 months pregnant and leaving for the east coast to have her spawn. Most recently (this morning) was seen walking her 4 dogs (yes idiots she has 4 dogs not 2) and still knocked up.
Now we know you covet her intel on the building as much as you covet your neighbors meth lab - but the thing is she's NUTSO. Yet you guys have struck some kind of deal with the convict simply to feed into your own schemes of ejecting paying tenants from their homes.
It's highly doubtful that you little black hearted tweakers will ever turn it around though. Greed has in fact made you more mentally challenged than you normally would be. I guess I probably don't need to tell you this - but you put your eggs in the wrong basket - and I mean the WRONG basket.
For the Sea Hag may we suggest some DNA testing so you can figure out who the father of your baby might be? Obviously you have no clue as you're trying to pin it on anyone who walks by.
Recent Milan Properties / Milan Leasing Listings:
... ...and their all PET FRIENDLY! with no Pet Depsit! check out the website www.milanleasing.com. Thanks. Georgina georgina@milanleasing.com. 323-514-3886Los Angeles, California Apartment For Rent: Search California ...
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Avaritia Facit Bardus

Either way this bring me to my point about of greed making you stupid. I can understand that you twits bought a building that you thought (if you can do that) that would be easy to clear, and that in no time at all you'd have "remodeled" units that would get way above market value. What you didn't do was stop and think before you started your campaign of tyranny, greed, harassment, and intimidation. Did you guys think that everyone would roll over so easily, or that you would be able to push people around so well?
I think that because your other buildings are kinda in the ghetto you're used to dealing with illegals, people of lower socio economic status, and those who truly can't fight back. Too bad for you that you never counted on people who would stand up to your illegal practices, or call you on your nefarious activity.
So now you're stuck with a rent control building, and you probably can't unload it to a potential buyer until you've forcibly remove all of the existing tenants in favor of new higher paying tenants. Surprise - your existing tenants live there - they've lived there for a long time, and it seems like no amount of lying, conniving, bullying or harassment will so easily coerce them into moving.
So Milan - and Amy how did greed make you stupid? Greed made you stupid by believing that you could intimidate everyone, and that your illegal tactics would always win, when in fact in the end I think it might prove to put you exactly where you belong. What are you going to do when no one rents from you, or no one wants to be associated with you because being associated with you is the equivalent of being associated with a crack dealer?
Does it warm your dark little hearts to know that you're practicing some of the dirtiest slum lord maneuvers in order to eject paying tenants from their homes? If you want people to move so badly (which they don't seem to want to do) then why don't you just pay them like any legally operating management company would? Why do you have to break in to people's apartments with your psycho tenant and throw papers everywhere, or threaten to burn the building down?
The answer is simple - to make you stand alone on your wits and not use your slumlord tactics would totally leave you helpless.
In closing - let's review...maybe you'll find yourself somewhere in the text below:
Greed is called a selfish desire to obtain money, wealth, food, material possessions or any other entity more than one legitimately needs. Greed is listed as one of the Catholic seven deadly sins, usually by the synonym of avarice. A basic desire to increase one's wealth is generally considered acceptable in Western culture, and simple want is not considered greed. Instead, most believe that there are varying degrees to the pursuit of material wealth, with greed being the most extreme form, with one desiring things simply for the purpose of having them. Greed may entail acquiring material possessions at the expense of another person's welfare (for example, a father buying himself a new car rather than fix the roof of his family's home) or otherwise reflect flawed priorities.
Poetry - A Team Effort
Selma the Sea Hag sells stolen sea shells down by the sea shore.
Pregnant or Not?
By the way who the FUCK is Sunshine and does she know you're making up email addresses using her name?
From: Sunshinearmstron@aol.com
To: xxxxx@hotmail.com
Date: Feb 28 2007 - 10:59am
I am not pregnant. I just wanted to rid you out of anger. Lets speak and I could apologize.
I want to come to Turkey and talk to you. I didn't want you to divorce you
that's why I said I was pregnant. I will call you now in five minutes.
Yes I used mom's other screen name so you could read what I had to say.
I am still your wife and I'm coming to talk to you face to face.
Your angel,
Selma Leysi
PS don't believe everything you hear and read you're and educated man or
should be to understand.
************************************** AOL now offers free
email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at
God Selma - what new last name are you going to come up with next?
Friday - Dedication Day
Sing along Selma
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